Why drinking more water has a positive effect on your teeth

19 October 2022

We’ve all heard of the importance of keeping hydrated, and the positive effects drinking water has for our bodies. But perhaps one of the less well thought of positive effects is what water does for your teeth. So, what positive effects does drinking water have on your teeth?

It strengthens and protects your teeth

In the UK, fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that is found in water. The decision to add fluoride is made by local authorities, but none ever surpass the 1mg per 1 litre rule. As fluoride is one of the best forms of protection for your enamel which prevents your teeth from decaying or developing cavities, drinking water containing this will regularly cleanse your mouth of bacteria or resulting acids that may accumulate through the day. Water also washes away some leftover food which might otherwise remain stuck to your teeth or within the gaps, making your dental hygiene routine that little bit easier. Most water also contains phosphates and calcium, which also strengthen the enamel of your teeth.

It helps you avoid dry mouth

Did you know that 99% of your saliva is water? Whilst dry mouth can be a sign of Gingivitis, the earliest form of gum disease, we all regularly experience this. It could be a hot day, it’s been a while since you last had refreshment, you have been out exercising, all of these reasons can lead to having a dry mouth. Ensuring that you have a good amount of saliva will maximise your protection against acidic foods or drinks, and of course rid you of the discomfort of having a dry mouth.

Water has no calories or sugar

Whilst other drinks may appear thirst quenching, sugary and/or alcoholic drinks can actually dry your mouth out more despite satisfying your initial need for a drink. This is because your saliva is designed to absorb most of the sugar or alcohol away from your teeth which means you have to produce more to do so. Without water, your levels of saliva will reduce meaning your ability to protect your enamel fades, and your enamel can be eroded which can leave you prone to issues such as sensitive teeth. On the other hand, water has no calories or sugar which means you can regularly replenish your saliva production with no need to worry about other health effects such as your calorie intake. Even diet drinks often contain sweeteners which can do as much damage to your teeth as traditionally sugary drinks.

Water can whiten your teeth!

If none of the other reasons are appealing enough to listen to, perhaps maintaining your pearly whites will be. Rinsing your mouth with water, or drinking water also prevents your teeth from staining, meaning no enamel will be eroded as you brush your teeth. After all, isn’t the reason you are reading this because you want a whiter, brighter  and healthier smile?

Make sure it’s the right type of water

Last, but far from least, the type of water is also very important here, as carbonated or fizzy water can also cause damage to your enamel or absorb more saliva. Water from the tap, spring wells or other fresh sources will always be our recommended form of water to drink because of the natural occurring minerals contained within.

If you ever have any questions about the type of water or the amount you are consuming our expert dentists will always be happy to assist.